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Purpose of establishment
Busan Economic Promotion Agency
Comprehensive Platform for Busan’s Economic Revitalization and Job Creation The Best Partner for SMEs, Small Business Owners, and Startups in Busan
Purpose of establishment background
Purpose of establishment
The Busan Economic Promotion Agency (BEPA) is a non-profit foundation established by the Busan Metropolitan Government and the Small and Medium Business Administration to provide services needed by micro Enterprise and SMEs in Busan.
Strong Partners for the Advancement of the Busan Economic Ecosystem
Highlights of implementation
  • 01
    Overcoming the crisis and supporting management safety for Micro Enterprise
  • 02
    Support for innovative growth in SMEs and local industriesv
  • 03
    Support for fostering new service industries
  • 04
    Advanced ecosystem of start-up innovation
  • 05
    Create good jobs and eliminate mismatches
Core Value
[CORE VALUE 핵심가치]  1. 현장중심:현장, 수요자 중심의 선도적 서비스 추진 2. 상생협력 : 지역경제 활성화를 위한 상생협업 강화 3. 성과지향 : 기능별, 영역별 사업관리 강화를 통한 성과가시화 4.글로벌 확산 : 부산경제 외연 확대를 통한 글로벌 위상 제고
Basic propulsion direction
기본추진방향 : 디지털 + 스마트화 => 중소기업 + 소상공인 + 전문지식 서비스업 + 창업기업 => 일자리 창출