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Advancement of Startup Ecosystem
Advancement of the Busan startup ecosystem by enhancing the operation of startup support programs and strengthening cooperation with related organizations
창업생태계 강화 지원 배경
Advancement of Startup Ecosystem
Advancement of the startup ecosystem in Busan through the qualitative startups growth
Strengthening the role of start-up hub
  • 01
    Integration and provision of support information related to startups in the region by upgrading the functions of the Busan Startup Portal, an integrated start-up support system
  • 02
    Support for strengthening business start-up capabilities in the initial growth stage through the operation of "Start-up Café" and "E-Commerce Biz Center"
  • 03
    Expanding collaboration in connection with local startups, universities, and research institutes by inducing technological independence
Discovery of startups and operation of specialized programs by growth stage
  • 01
    Creating a Technology Start-up Ecosystem by Establishing a Support System for Start-up Companies Leading the Digital Economy Innovation
  • 02
    Support for upgrading the start-up ecosystem and qualitative development of start-up companies by supporting customized specialized programs for start-up companies by growth stage
  • 03
    Support for stabilizing the management of early startups by supporting the recommendation of special funds for startups
  • 04
    Establishing a foundation for sustainable growth, such as upgrading prototypes and supporting certification for re-founders during the leap period through re-startup support projects
  • 05
    Promotion of Busan-style sharing economy through intensive consulting on fostering shared enterprises